At Stage One we help buyers envision a home within your home cultivating a faster sale for more money.

Our Services: Home Consultations, Occupied Staging, Vacant Staging, Rental Staging

Why stage?

We all live differently. Staging highlights a home’s potential and bridges the gap between how you live and prospective buyers live. Data supports that staged homes sell faster, for more money by helping buyers emotionally connect and envision themselves living in a home.

“Staging is an investment that helps maximize the rate of return on the sale of the property—and usually costs less than the first price reduction. With an average investment of 1% of the sale price into staging, about 75% of sellers saw an ROI of 5% to 15% over asking price, according to data from the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA).” - Source

Our mission.

To curate environments that appeal to your specific demographic so you sell your home in less time and for more money.


/hom/ - noun

One’s house, residence, abode, nest, digs, pad, dwelling.